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Rohtas Plumeria Homes,
Vibhutikhand, Gomtinagar
10:00AM - 7:00PM
Monday to Saturday
Online 24/7


Pay-per-click marketing is a way of using search engine advertising to generate clicks to your website, rather than “earning” those clicks organically. You know those sponsored ads you often see at the top of Google’s search results page, marked with a yellow label? That’s pay-per-click advertising (specifically Google Ads PPC, which we’ll talk about b Here’s how it works:

Every time your ad is clicked, sending a visitor to your website, you pay the search engine a small fee. (That’s why it’s called “pay per click.”) When your PPC campaign is well-designed and running smoothly, that fee will be trivial, because the visit is worth more to your business than what you pay for it. For example, if you pay $10 for a click, but the click results in a $300 sale, then using PPC is a no-brainer.elow).

Ultimately, pay-per-click marketing is good for everyone:

  • It’s good for searchers.
  • It’s good for advertisers.
  • It’s good for search engines.